About Me

Hi, my name is Laura Olson. I am a 27 year old Mother of one beautiful little baby, Olivia Rose. I have always had a passion for art, writing and photography. I guess I always put the thought of pursuing a career in photography on the back burner to my career in Hair Styling. I am a certified Nail Technician and Hair Stylist and I am taking a break from both right now to raise my 3 month old daughter.

Like a lot of moms, I spend most of my time capturing those special fleeting moments of my daughter’s life. I have found her every movement so fascinating. It is amazing how much these little beings can learn in a short amount of time. The joy that I get from photographing her and my nephew Blue, has sparked a soul thundering passion in me. It feels so good to be SO passionate and inspired by something I kept pushing aside for everything else.

My goal:  To turn my hobby into a career. I know that I am an amateur. I know that I have A LOT to learn but, I am ready to put everything I have into this.

I hope that you enjoy my photography and watch my evolution from amateur to professional.
